Terry and I want to thank all of you for your e-mails, Facebook comments, and comments here on the blog yesterday, wishing us happy anniversary. There were too many to reply to all of them, but you all made a very special day even more special.
Yesterday John and Kathy Huggins from Living the RV Dream hosted a meet and greet for their fans here at the Tampa RV Super Show and they had invited us to join them. Which is only fair, since we’re their fans too, right?
There were a lot of people there and we really enjoyed meeting everybody, including Ed and Karri Olefirowitcz, Jonelle and Dave Anderson, David and Sherry Lee, John and Donna Lambdin, Angel and Theresa Rodriguez, Keith and Katie Graham and their two daughters, Meredith and Matt Pokorny, Larry and Debra Volenec, Michelle and Marco Prieto, and Stephanie Alexander. I’m sure there were others, but I’m getting old and forgetful, so if I missed your name, my apologies.
The crowd included fulltimers, part timers, wannabes, and soon-to be RVers and the time flew past. Meredith is interested in self-publishing and I offered her a few tips that I hope will help her along the way. Ed and Karri are really an adventurous couple, they have ridden their tandem bicycle in countries all over the world.
Today we’re going to do it all over again from 11 to 1 and I hope we get to meet even more friends.
Here is a picture that Stephanie Alexander took of the two of us while we were at the meet and greet.
We’re leaving the RV show Sunday morning and saying a reluctant goodbye to Florida as we begin our trip west to Arizona for medical appointments at the VA hospital in Tucson in late February and the Escapees Escapade rally in March. We’re making it a long, slow trip, including visits to my son Travis and his wife Geli in Alabama, and with friends in Mission and Hondo, Texas along the way. We’re disappointed because our time here in Florida has gone by way too fast and we didn’t get to do most of the things we had hoped to do while we were here. But we’ll be back, that’s for sure!
Have you entered this week’s Free Drawing yet? This week’s prize is an audiobook of Gun Shy, the fifth book in Ben Rehder’s excellent Blanco County mystery series. I’m a big fan of Ben’s small town Texas series, and if you try it you will be, too. To enter, all you have to do is click on this Free Drawing link or the tab at the top of this page and enter your name in the comments section at the bottom of that page (not this one). Only one entry per person per drawing please, and you must enter with your real name. To prevent spam or multiple entries, the names of cartoon or movie characters are not allowed. The winner will be drawn Sunday evening.
My author pal Cleve Sylcox has a new book out that can best be described as historical macabre called Blood Crow: Love and War A Bloody Affair that centers around the clash of Confederate and Union forces in and around the Missouri community of St. Charles. Check it out, it’s a good read.
Thought For The Day – Don’t put the key to your happiness in someone else’s pocket.
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